We are relentless when it comes to Activism.  Each of the opportunities below is of equal importance in achieving our goals of impacting legislation and getting out the Republican vote to Keep Texas Red!

  • Sign up as a “Media Crusader”
    • Texas Legislature Online: Learn how to follow your bills during the legislative session. Based on up to the minute information on your bills you can also make YOUR voice heard by:
      • Sending emails and making phone calls to the appropriate lawmaker and committee members
      • Providing in person testimony at the Capitol in Austin
      • Registering your support or opposition in person at the Capitol
      • TLO (texas.gov)
    • During the legislative session you’ll receive updates regarding Republican Priorities and who to email, call, Facebook, Instagram or write in order to voice your opinion loud and clear. Media Crusaders are absolutely KEY to our success in impacting legislation
    • Our club was a ‘go to’ group during this session and assisted multiple Republican groups in our effort to achieve public outcry regarding our Republican Priorities
  • Become a Voter Registrar
    • You become a big part of Get Out the Vote by actually registering people to vote
    • Take training at the elections office to become a Voter Registrar (one hour course, no test)
    • Volunteer with our members and Republican friends to help register people to vote at local festivals, music venues, campaign rallies, gun shows, etc.
    • You’ll love the response you get and the comradery you enjoy during these events
  • Phone Bank
    • An easy, convenient and effective tool that proves its worth each campaign cycle
    • Simply sign up for phone banking during election campaigns, take simple training and you’re off to the races
    • This can be done from home or with groups at Headquarters
  • Block Walking
    • This is one of the most popular, fun and rewarding activist opportunities
    • We have lists of Republicans that are either non-registered or haven’t voted recently to invite them to register and remind them their vote matters
    • We use an app to map where we need to block walk and make real time update as we make contact.
    • We meet at headquarters, provide a script, door hangers and pamphlets
    • Share your war stories and successes afterward via Facebook, Instagram.

Events & Meetings

Jan 16

January Meeting

Tyler 11:30 am The Potpourri House More Info
Feb 20

February Meeting

Tyler 11:30 am The Potpourri House More Info